We're Here to Assist You Find the Right
Options for Your Situation...

We're Here to Help...
Here's How the Process Works:

Call Us 1-800-792-5490

G.M.A. | Government Mortgage Assistance


We will discuss with you about your foreclosure we need to know if it was a mortgage or tax foreclosure. We'll evaluate your situation to see if you qualify for help from one of our network partners. 

If you do qualify, you can retain our services as your GMA Agent, where we will connect you with one or more of our network partners that matches the best solution to seeing if there are any qualifying funds available from your foreclosure. 

Once the right program is found, you will be on your way to receiving financial relief, and satisfaction of getting something back after such a stressful situation you and perhaps your loved one had to go through.


Will Help You Navigate This Tedious and Stressful Post-Foreclosure Process:

Their aim is to provide a series of services for the homeowner who has suffered financial hardship from a foreclosure. Below are the brief summaries of the steps involved in finding out if there are any relieve funds from your foreclosure. 

They know the "ins and outs" of government agencies in all states. If a government agency is holding your funds, they know how to get them! 

Understand however, after a certain period of time elapses, and no one claims your funds in time, those monies are often "escheat" to the agency holding them, meaning you may no longer have a claim to them.

So that's why we're here to steer you to those who know the ropes and to the professionals that have your back.


They will do extensive audits through hundreds of national, state and local programs to locate available funds to help victims of foreclosure.


Once they find the funds, they perform a detailed search to properly identify the rightful owners or heirs of the estate.


After their free consultation if you decide to work with them you will sign their agreement which authorizes them to process the claim on your behalf.


They handle everything from filing, corresponding with attorneys, appearing in court and Proving ownership 

– All At Zero Cost To You – 

If they find there are funds that can be recovered, they will receive a finder's fee for the work they've done on your behalf.


After they've recovered your funds, they will overnight you a check!
Speak to a specialist today, so we can start the heavy lifting to find your relief funds.

Please Call Today 1-800-792-5490
We're Here to Help!

IMPORTANT NOTICE: GovernmentMortgageAssistance.org simply acts as a broker to help you find assistance with one of our Network Partners, we are not a mortgage relief service, mortgage lender, a lawyer referral service or a law firm and the information contained herein is not legal advice. Contacting GovernmentMortgageRelief.org does not create an attorney-client relationship between any attorneys in our network.  GovernmentMortgageAssistance.org is not a government sponsored website or program and is not approved by your lender. To access information on government sponsored assistance, please visit makinghomeaffordable.gov. This website is also not a non-profit, state or local government website. GovernmentMortgageAssistance.org consumers with attorneys, advocates or services in our network that may offer foreclosure help, mortgage relief or loan modification services. No particular result is guaranteed by engaging with partners in our network and lenders may not agree to change a consumer's loan by using their services. There is no guarantee that you may qualify for a loan modification or prevent the foreclosure process. Our partners in our network provide a no cost evaluation of your options. However, they may charge a fee for services after initial review. GovernmentMortgageAssistance.org will not ask you to transfer or surrender property titles, we will not offer to buy your house at a below-market price, you will not be asked to bypass the lender and make payments directly to the company or other third party. We do not encourage you to avoid contacting your lender, lawyer, credit counselor, or housing counselor. If you feel a member of our network is attempting to or has violated these terms, please call 800-792-5490.

The information and notices contained on this website are intended as general research and information and are expressly not intended, and should not be regarded, as financial or legal advice. We attempt to ensure that the material contained on the website is accurate and complete at the date first published, however you should recognize that information contained on this website may become out of date over time. Readers who have particular real estate financing or foreclosure, or who believe they require legal counsel, should seek the advice from their personal attorney. By calling toll-free number, you are consenting to be contacted by attorneys, mortgage relief advocates or loan modification services in our partner network by telephone or email, even if you have previously listed yourself on any state or federal Do-Not-Call List.

© Copyright G.M.A | Government Mortgage Assistance.org All Rights Reserved 2022

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