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Options for Your Situation...

The Three Phases of Foreclosure

Stage 1: 

The first 90 days. Homeowner has fallen behind on his/her loan payment for three consecutive months. Banks usually attempt to contact and work with the Homeowner during this period. If the Homeowner is unable to bring the default current, the bank then files a Notice of Default which commences the foreclosure process and makes public the Homeowners default. 

Stage 2: 

The next 90 days that follow a Notice of Default (NOD) are very important. During this time frame, Homeowners need to ACT to save their home. Most banks will still be willing to work with Homeowners during this time frame. 

Stage 3: 

If the Homeowner continues in default after 90 days, a Notice of Trustee sale will be recorded, and it will be made public. The bank is obligated to give the homeowner a minimum of 21 days before auction to either pay the loan balance in full or have the loan reinstated by paying the defaulted amount and all legal, late payment penalty fees, and interest added to the default amount. 

Time is of the Essance:

Do You have an upcoming auction date on Your home within the next 30 days?
Has Your mortgage company refused to work with you at this point?
Are they not willing to take a partial payment?

We're Here to Help...
Here's How the Process Works:

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G.M.A. | Government Mortgage Assistance


Due to the high volume of home loans being defaulted on in the U.S., we have now added to our services (Network Partners) who can help homeowners avoid the trustee and sheriff sales.

We are Government Mortgage Assistance, and we now work as a liaison between you and our Network Partners. Our Partners have years of experience in maneuvering around the complicated foreclosure laws and working with troublesome mortgage lenders. The same lenders that agreed to give you a forbearance because of COVID Regulations but now are wanting to recoup their losses by refusing to let you defer your past payments to the end of your loan. 

Our Network Partners can help you with this common lender issue we're experiencing.

Our Network Partners Offer:

• Foreclosure Delay Strategies
• Money to Cure Your Delinquency
• Note Restructuring
• Predatory Mortgage Litigation
• Bankruptcy Options
• Commercial & Residential Real Estate Solutions, and More!

Depending on the network partner you work with some of their strategies can delay the foreclosure process and the sale of your home for up to 24 months or longer.

Many times, when a homeowner goes into foreclosure it’s as simple as getting behind on a few monthly payments and all they need is someone or a government program to give them money to cure their delinquency. So, we work with network partners that are either government agencies or angel investors that will help you out with a grant or loan to get you back on your feet with your mortgage company.

Our Network Partners can also stop the endless cycle of loan modification application paperwork!

We're here to help you out of this difficult situation, contact us today for your Foreclosure Relief Options.

Whether you are a:

• Homeowner
• Beneficiary
• Executor
• Heir To a Property in Foreclosure or
• Real Estate Investor

We can help you find a Network Partner that will help you keep your home and/or property.

While filing Bankruptcy maybe an option, we have Network Partners that can help you navigate the Bankruptcy red tape as well and tell you if you need to go that route or not.

We will discuss where you are in the pre-foreclosure process and evaluate your situation to see if you qualify for help from one of our network partners. 

If qualified, you can retain our services as your GMA Network Liaison, where we will connect you with one or more of our Network Partners that matches the best solution to your problem. Once the right program is chosen, you will be on your way to receiving financial relief, mortgage restructuring or perhaps avoiding foreclosure altogether. 

As your GMA Network Liaison, we will need a 3rd party authorization form signed which gives us your permission to share the information you provide with our Network Partners. 

There is no risk to you in putting the GMA team to work for you!

Once you're matched be prepared to provide:

  • Your monthly mortgage statements.
  • Information about any other mortgages on your home or other property
  • For salaried employees or hourly wage earners, 2 recent month's pay stubs
  • For self-employed homeowners, your most recent quarterly or year-to-date profit and loss statement
  • Documentation of additional income received from other sources 
  • Documentation of any benefits received (Social Security, disability, death benefits, pension, public assistance, or adoption assistance, etc.)
  • Documentation of any other income you want considered (alimony, child support, separation maintenance payments, etc.)
  • Two most recent bank statements
  • A utility bill showing your name and property address (which verifies your occupied residence)
  • Your two most recent federal tax returns
  • An explanation describing the circumstances causing your hardship


Will Help You Navigate This Tedious and Stressful Pre-Foreclosure Process and Will Be Your Liason Between You and Your Lender:

Their aim is to provide a series of services for the homeowner who has suffered financial hardship and wishes to stay in their home. Our Network Partners help homeowners maintain an affordable mortgage payment plan and avoid foreclosure.

Here are brief summaries of the federally funded programs that can help homeowners in an attempt to avoid foreclosure, maintain an affordable mortgage payment, and stay in their homes.

Mortgage Reinstatement Assistance Program

The goal of the Mortgage Reinstatement Assistance Program is to help the homeowners who are starting to fall behind on their mortgage payment as a result of a financial hardship.

For the eligible homeowner that wishes to reinstate a delinquent mortgage the MRAP has the ability to provide funding up to $25,000 to assist with outstanding mortgage payments due on the first-lien mortgage.

The process of the MRAP is to apply for a one-time payment of $25,000 which is applied to payments that you have fallen behind on, and covers PITI which is the principal, interest, taxes and insurance. Plus, other payments may be covered such as those related to homeowner’s association dues.

In order to apply for the MRAP, it is important for the borrowers to comply with certain criteria, which can include:

You are currently experiencing a financial hardship

You have the means to be able to sustain future payments when the mortgage is reinstated.

You are in a position to provide all relevant paperwork that can help to satisfy the guidelines of the program.

MRAP is also only applicable if the property at stake is able to comply with specific circumstances, such as the first-lien mortgage not being above a certain value, the property is regarded as the primary residence, and it is kept maintained, and not condemned, vacant, or abandoned.

Certain exclusions may apply to those that wish to sign up to MRAP, which can include active bankruptcy and less than two payments behind on the mortgage when asking for assistance.

Unemployment Mortgage Assistance Program

The Unemployment Mortgage Assistance Program is a service provided to unemployed homeowners who are in the process of seeking new employment but hope to avoid foreclosure in the meantime. In order to achieve this, the UMA program is designed to provide assistance for mortgage payments up to a specific amount each month

The benefit on UMA is up to $3,000 per month, and it is possible to receive these payments for a period of up to 18 months.

The UMA program works based on securing a loan against the property.

To be eligible for the Unemployment Mortgage Assistance Program it is a requirement to comply with certain criteria, which includes:

You are currently undergoing a financial hardship that relates to unemployment or underemployment.

You have signed-up for and currently receive unemployment benefit.

You are in a position to provide all relevant paperwork that can help to satisfy the guidelines of the program.

In addition to personal criteria, there is also a need for the mortgage and property to comply with certain criteria, such as:

The outstanding balance for the first-lien mortgage does not exceed a certain amount.

The property is well-maintained and not condemned, vacant, or abandoned.

The property is regarded as your main place of residence.

There are also several instances where you aren’t eligible to apply for this type assistance, which can include voluntary resignation, active bankruptcy in place, or a NOD (Notice of Default) was placed on the property more than 60-days prior to requesting assistance.

Complaints Process

In the event a lender is involved in any type of discriminatory lending practice related to age, gender, or race, we are able to guide our clients in filing a complaint via the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. This practice can act as a form of pre-litigation and become the first line of attack.

Eviction Defense

Eviction defense is necessary in those cases where a foreclosure has taken place, and the lenders are in the process of suing the tenant or home homeowner in an attempt to evict them. Our Network Partners are able to give their clients advice on the best defense to stay in the property for a long as necessary, and in certain situations get money for relocating.

Foreclosure Litigation

They help clients with different pre and post foreclosure litigation issues to ensure their rights are upheld at all times. Their aim is to prevent the foreclosure taking place; use eviction defense to make sure you stay in your property, get damages, or even return of property after a sale has taken place.

Foreclosure Statutes

The latest foreclosure statutes can give the borrowers significantly more rights in the process of a lender attempting to push for foreclosure, and also puts in place further regulations that impact the loan services and lenders.

Lender Violations

They help their clients fight a wide range of lender violations which relate to quiet title issues, automatic (Robo) signing of documents, chain of title violations, loan modification abuse and discrimination.

Mass Joiner Lawsuit

The process of a mass joint lawsuit makes it possible to combine the needs of multiple clients in a single lawsuit in an attempt to sue a bank or other financial institute resulting from a statutory violation or breach of duty. By using this practice, it is much more cost-effective for our clients while also having the benefit of more power in greater numbers.

Modification to Contract

A breach of modification contract tries to go back on the original mortgage modification by claiming mistakes were made and pushes a homeowner to accept revised terms that are less desirable. Most of the revised contacts result in the borrower having to pay a higher monthly payment, and if these modifications aren't accepted the lender might stop accepting future payments; this puts the homeowner into foreclosure. By acting on their client’s behalf, they give complete guidance on getting the best possible litigation representation to fight back against the breached contracts.


A simple remedy that can help a homeowner avoid default is to look at the possibility of mortgage refinancing. By taking this action it has the potential to avoid issues with the variable rate mortgage which has the increasing interest rate.

Short Sale or Sale

It is possible to avoid any future issues with bad credit or foreclosure, simply with a short sale or sale of the home before the mortgage reaches the default stage, and the lender starts to proceed with the action.

Wrongful Foreclosure

It is possible to avoid any future issues with bad credit or foreclosure, simply with a short sale or sale of the home before the mortgage reaches the default stage, and the lender starts to proceed with the action.

Please Call Today 1-800-792-5490
We're Here to Help!

IMPORTANT NOTICE: GovernmentMortgageAssistance.org simply acts as a broker to help you find assistance with one of our Network Partners, we are not a mortgage relief service, mortgage lender, a lawyer referral service or a law firm and the information contained herein is not legal advice. Contacting GovernmentMortgageRelief.org does not create an attorney-client relationship between any attorneys in our network. GovernmentMortgageAssistance.org is not a government sponsored website or program and is not approved by your lender. To access information on government sponsored assistance, please visit makinghomeaffordable.gov. This website is also not a non-profit, state or local government website. GovernmentMortgageAssistance.org consumers with attorneys, advocates or services in our network that may offer foreclosure help, mortgage relief or loan modification services. No particular result is guaranteed by engaging with partners in our network and lenders may not agree to change a consumer's loan by using their services. There is no guarantee that you may qualify for a loan modification or prevent the foreclosure process. Our partners in our network provide a no cost evaluation of your options. However, they may charge a fee for services after initial review. GovernmentMortgageAssistance.org will not ask you to transfer or surrender property titles, we will not offer to buy your house at a below-market price, you will not be asked to bypass the lender and make payments directly to the company or other third party. We do not encourage you to avoid contacting your lender, lawyer, credit counselor, or housing counselor. If you feel a member of our network is attempting to or has violated these terms, please call 800-792-5490.

The information and notices contained on this website are intended as general research and information and are expressly not intended, and should not be regarded, as financial or legal advice. We attempt to ensure that the material contained on the website is accurate and complete at the date first published, however you should recognize that information contained on this website may become out of date over time. Readers who have particular real estate financing or foreclosure, or who believe they require legal counsel, should seek the advice from their personal attorney. By calling toll-free number, you are consenting to be contacted by attorneys, mortgage relief advocates or loan modification services in our partner network by telephone or email, even if you have previously listed yourself on any state or federal Do-Not-Call List.

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